ABT 2024
This has been such a tearrible year, and yet, our students are our hope and the studio is our escapism. This is the reason why we could not give up on the oppurtunity to have Ballet examinations even though we could not invite examiners from ABT this year.
We decided to annitiate this ourselves and menifest the whold ordeal.
Inviting Mr. Ilan Kav to act as our exminer, we presented 4 levels and more than 60 yound dancers to the exmas this year. Seeing thier joy and exictemene filled our hearts with pride and satisfaction. It was wonderful, and it was worth it!
Coming Soon

This has been such a tearrible year, and yet, our students are our hope and the studio is our escapism. This is the reason why we could not give up on the oppurtunity to have Ballet examinations even though we could not invite examiners from ABT this year.
We decided to annitiate this ourselves and menifest the whold ordeal.
Inviting Mr. Ilan Kav to act as our exminer, we presented 4 levels and more than 60 yound dancers to the exmas this year. Seeing thier joy and exictemene filled our hearts with pride and satisfaction. It was wonderful, and it was worth it!