Project Audition

About the class
The audition project is a class designed by Shira Ganor to help senior students in their auditions period. Through the years we have noticed that having to prepare and co-ordinate oneself to this period, could be quite overwhelming, and one needs clarity, focus and a plan .The Shira Ganor Audition Project is built in order to give stracture and help set an artistic plan, as well as advise for future plans.
Choosing the right solo for IDF audition as well as filmed auditions sent abraod.
Mastering improvisation techniques that are needed in every audition.
Meeting various cheographers and repertoire matirials, and how to bring your super shine in every audition.
Practecing interviews, learning how to make an imp
Meeting an NLP trainer whom adresses the personal mental aspects with an amphasis on ones' confidence.
All those are adressed at the Shira Ganor Audition Program, with great staff of teachers, cheographers and dancers such as - Adi Salant, Ohad Caspi, Tali Peretz Laor, Gon Biran and more.
Our graduates of 2024, all got the IDF exceelelnt dancer status, got into wonderful programs in Israel and International, and got in to young companies.
Learn more about our Audition Project dancers HERE.
Meet the teacher
Ohad Caspi
Pre-Professional division Repertoire and Improvisation class. Audition Project artistic coach.

Class Schedule
Friday 14:30-16:00
Arlozorov studio.